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Embark on a journey of tranquil indulgence with Serene Charms by Obsede, a fragrance that whispers of cozy evenings by the fireplace and intimate gatherings with cherished company. At the forefront, the top note of cognac casts a warm, welcoming glow, evoking the comforting embrace of a fine spirit shared amongst friends. This initial impression sets the stage for an olfactory experience that is both sophisticated and inviting.

As the fragrance unfurls, the heart reveals its intricate layers, woven with the rich tapestry of cinnamon, tonka bean, and oak. Together, these middle notes create a harmonious blend of spice and wood, reminiscent of a rustic cabin nestled amidst towering trees. Conjuring memories of autumnal walks and crackling fires, this aromatic bouquet exudes a sense of nostalgia and warmth that envelops the senses like a cherished embrace.

Finally, as the fragrance settles into its base, a sense of serenity descends, enveloped in the creamy embrace of vanilla, praline, and sandalwood. Soft and indulgent, these base notes lend Serene Charms a velvety smoothness that lingers on the skin like a whispered promise. With each inhale, the fragrance reveals new depths of comfort and contentment, inviting you to surrender to its tranquil allure.

Serene Charms by Obsede is more than just a fragrance; it is a symphony of sensory delights that transports you to a world of timeless elegance and effortless charm. Whether worn for a night out on the town or a cozy evening in, this enchanting scent is sure to captivate the senses and leave a lasting impression wherever you go.

Serene Charms

وحدة SKU: 9780503211318
  • 100 ML


    Eau De Parfum

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